Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I am sorry for not having written anything in a while, but truth is nothing interesting has happened. This past weekend was so cold and I didn't feel like going out and on saturday all my friends were busy so I stayed at home and watched the Diary of Bridget Jones haha.  My host parents were gone for the weekend and the kids were with the grandparents, so I got the house to myself which helped a lot because I got to sleep in on sunday. Actually I abused the "sleeping in" because I ended up waking up at 1:30 pm! I didn't even go to bed that late on saturday, I think it was 12:40 when I went to bed. I clearly needed some sleep catching up to do!

On sunday night my friends and I were going to meet up this British group at a Canadian bar to watch the Super Bowl but when my friend and I got to the bar we saw that the cover to watch the game was 20 euros!! 20euros??!! That is so expensive! Well it included 2 drinks, but still, 20? We're au pairs and we don't have that kind of money to spend to just get in. So my friend and I decided to go find a place to eat and that we would come back to meet the others and ask them if they wanted to go somewhere else.
However by the time we started eating it was too late and our other friends met up with us and we decided to go our usual bar "The Bombardier". I actually don't even know why we decided to go in the end to the bombardier, I mean by the time we got there it was 11:30 and my friend had to leave around 12 ish to catch  her train, however we went. We got so distracted by explaining to our british friends how american football works and talking about how the best commercials air during the Super Bowl, that when my friend (the one who had to leave early) looks at the time it was already 12:40!

We ran to the RER (kind of like a train) and when we get there, it was too late! There was no more trains passing. So we run to catch a bus, but since she doesn't live in Paris and needs to take another train to her place (it's close to versailles where she lives) she decided to take a taxi so she could make it to the other train.

I found a bus that would take me straight to my house, but from what I was looking at the screen, it didn't say if it was going to pass or not. I started freaking out, what if the bus doesn't pass? I didn't know where the closest metro was and it was probably already closed. I called my host mom (it was already 1:10) and told her that I didn't know what to do or if the metro was still running. She told me to take a taxi, but the problem with that was that I only had 20 euros on me. I then decided to stay over at a friends house and I would take the earliest metro in the morning to go back home (Oh I forgot to mention, I had a doctors appointment at 9am. Its something I had to go through to get my visa validated) so I could get my stuff to go to the appointment.
As I was walking to my friends house I see my bus pass by and I start running towards it like an idiot haha.
This might not sound stressful to you, but trust me at the moment I was kind of panicking! Lesson learned: If you're taking public transportation,keep track of time!

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