Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A not so St.Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I hope everybody's day was filled with love and not disappointment. That's the problem with Valentine's day, either it brings you happiness or disappointment. I know this sounds so pessimistic, but hey it's true. If you don't have a lover, you spend the day hoping that somebody will maybe call you last minute to make plans, or that some secret admirer will send you flowers, or you simply end up being disappointed because once more you don't have a date on Valentine's Day.

Let me get this straight, I am not a Valentine's day hater. I am not one of those single girls who hate Valentine's because they see lovers all over the place and that makes them depressed. Of course I won't deny that it can get a bit sad on this date of the year because you wish you had someone to spend it with and demonstrate your love for one another. However, that sadness is not enough for me to hate on Valentine's. Even though I sometimes feel like this holiday is over marketed, I think it's important to celebrate it. Love should always be celebrated, every single day but us being humans and so focused on our lives we forget to stop for a minute and show our appreciation to our loved ones.

This Valentine's day was alright for me. It really felt like any other day. I thought that being in Paris I would be constantly bombarded by men with flowers, chocolates, decorations, couples etc. But oddly enough, I wasn't. Apparently in France Valentine's day isn't such a big deal, and when I say not a big deal trust me, it really isn't. I was so surprised, the most romantic city in the world doesn't celebrate Valentine's day?! What is this world coming to?
I was talking with one of the little boys I look after and I told him we should make cards for his parents for Valentine's Day, and he asked me what Valentine's day was... O-m-g, he didn't even know what this day was! Then, there was no decorations or gifts displayed in stores a month before the actual day like back home. In America the moment New Year is over, you can start seeing all the V-day decorations! But not here.
I then asked my host mom is she wanted me to babysit the kids that night so they could go out for dinner and she told me that they don't do anything on V-day, that it's not a big deal. Only little kids sometimes do something in school (but I don't think so because, back home in elementary I remember making little cards for my classmates and giving them candies, and the teachers would too. But here there was no such thing).

So, I ended up not doing anything on Valentine's Day, which was kind of a disappointment to me because I figured, hey I'm in Paris the city of love. It's going to be special. But it was nonexistent haha. I was also hoping that my parents would maybe send me flowers....but not even haha. The best part of my day was the cute surprise call I got from a good old friend from High School :)

How was your V-day? Filled with love, or disappointment? Or maybe non existent like mine?

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