Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another weekend in Paris

So I feel like a complete looser this weekend, why you may ask? It is because I did nothing. I feel like my outings and sightseeing in Paris has slowed down, a lot and I don't like it! Every time I don't have a plan or don't go out I feel like I'm wasting so much precious time, and not taking advantage of being here. Urgh, it drives me crazy!
BUT to my defense, this weekend I was sick (I have a cold) and decided to stay in on friday because I really had no energy at all, so I didn't feel bad for friday. Also, the past few weeks had been really cold, which shouldn't really be an excuse to why I didn't go out, but you know sometimes the cold can make you all tired and lazy....its a fact!
Then yesterday I had the chance to go to this party  and I was planning on going but then I spent like 2 hours talking to one of my best friends from back home (I still Montreal "back home" because I still don't consider Texas home) and then I chatted to another friend who is now in Dubai for spring break. With all that talking I no longer felt like going out because I would rather chat with them and catch up since it had been a while since I've talked to them. Plus I was still sick and decided that I should rest so I can get better quick so I can finally go out properly and not all sick. I think staying in last night was one of the best decisions I could have taken, seriously! I feel SO much better this morning, it's crazy how much a good night's sleep can do! I have found the quickest cure for a cold! There is only 2 things you need: sleep a lot/rest and vitamin C! Not even the cold medicine I was taking made me feel better and less sick!

So as I haven't gone out I don't really have much to talk about on sightseeing or partying. But I can tell you that on monday I lost the keys to the apartment! The worst part is that I was 100% sure I had left them in the lock when I entered the apartment (the lock from inside and not outside), but apparently not. I have looked EVERYWHERE, my bed, my closet, my jeans, my coat, my purses, the kitchen, the kids room, the bathroom, the living room (even though on monday I did not go inside the living room)...and nothing! It is not possible! I know I had the keys because to enter the apartment building you need one key to open 2 doors so that means that I DID have the keys with me (and not lost them on the train or the street) because if not I wouldn't have been able to enter the building. I really don't know what happened, and I try to remember everything I did that day and I can swear that I left them on the lock...but now I'm questioning my memory. I thought it had been the maid who had taken them by accident when she left but she says she doesn't have them. Worst part is that to replace the keys it's going to cost around 150 euros!! I KNOW, I couldn't believe 150 euros for a set of keys?! What kind of keys are these? Are they made of gold?
So please pray for me that I may find them! It's driving me crazy not being able to find them because I know they have to be here! Since when I was about to leave to my french class I realized that I didn't have my keys... so they have to be either in the building or inside the apartment!

Also on friday I finally went to open a bank account! I felt so accomplished getting that done! Now  have a Canadian, American AND French bank accounts...BAM! I've just gone international with my money!
Oh and I asked for this "insurance" where it protects my card from fraud and if I loose any official documents, or a set of KEYS, the bank will pay to replace them. It was as if they knew my situation! I obviously took it because I figured I'll use this to pay for the keys since I felt bad that my host parents had to pay 150 euros. But when I told the guy I had just lost my keys he told me " Well for next time"... does that mean that they can't pay for my keys because I lost them before I got this service? If so I'm going to tell them I found them but lost them again.... after all it's not the first time I misplaced a set a keys! I'm always loosing my keys (but I always find them in the end) BUT this time is different because I am so sure where I left them. Okay so I think this is enough talking about keys haha.

Hopefully next weekend I'll have a more interesting story to tell you about!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A not so St.Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I hope everybody's day was filled with love and not disappointment. That's the problem with Valentine's day, either it brings you happiness or disappointment. I know this sounds so pessimistic, but hey it's true. If you don't have a lover, you spend the day hoping that somebody will maybe call you last minute to make plans, or that some secret admirer will send you flowers, or you simply end up being disappointed because once more you don't have a date on Valentine's Day.

Let me get this straight, I am not a Valentine's day hater. I am not one of those single girls who hate Valentine's because they see lovers all over the place and that makes them depressed. Of course I won't deny that it can get a bit sad on this date of the year because you wish you had someone to spend it with and demonstrate your love for one another. However, that sadness is not enough for me to hate on Valentine's. Even though I sometimes feel like this holiday is over marketed, I think it's important to celebrate it. Love should always be celebrated, every single day but us being humans and so focused on our lives we forget to stop for a minute and show our appreciation to our loved ones.

This Valentine's day was alright for me. It really felt like any other day. I thought that being in Paris I would be constantly bombarded by men with flowers, chocolates, decorations, couples etc. But oddly enough, I wasn't. Apparently in France Valentine's day isn't such a big deal, and when I say not a big deal trust me, it really isn't. I was so surprised, the most romantic city in the world doesn't celebrate Valentine's day?! What is this world coming to?
I was talking with one of the little boys I look after and I told him we should make cards for his parents for Valentine's Day, and he asked me what Valentine's day was... O-m-g, he didn't even know what this day was! Then, there was no decorations or gifts displayed in stores a month before the actual day like back home. In America the moment New Year is over, you can start seeing all the V-day decorations! But not here.
I then asked my host mom is she wanted me to babysit the kids that night so they could go out for dinner and she told me that they don't do anything on V-day, that it's not a big deal. Only little kids sometimes do something in school (but I don't think so because, back home in elementary I remember making little cards for my classmates and giving them candies, and the teachers would too. But here there was no such thing).

So, I ended up not doing anything on Valentine's Day, which was kind of a disappointment to me because I figured, hey I'm in Paris the city of love. It's going to be special. But it was nonexistent haha. I was also hoping that my parents would maybe send me flowers....but not even haha. The best part of my day was the cute surprise call I got from a good old friend from High School :)

How was your V-day? Filled with love, or disappointment? Or maybe non existent like mine?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Older men and relationships

Okay, so I give up on older men and having relationships with them. You would think that by being with an older man everything would be easier but let me tell you no, it's fact I think it kinda sucks.
I always figured, hey he's older, he's ready to settle down into a serious relationship, has his own place, is more mature, has a stable job (therefore can pay for dinner lol) etc etc. Yet it really is not like that.
People tell me I'm quite mature for my age and that I have a good head on my shoulders, so I know that the reason why it's not working with an older man is not because I'm not "mature enough". In fact all my friends here in Paris are older than me, 25 and up (with a few that are closer to my age).
Dating somebody older than me, I kind of found it, I guess "cool" (I am using this word as cliche and high school as it sounds, only because I can't come up with another word hehe) that I was dating an older man...6 years older. I don't know why and I can't explain it, but it made me feel so grown up and "cool". Hey, I'm dating a 26 year old and yes I'm 19.
But once again, my experience is not living up to my expectations. Dating an older man is not as easy as I thought or as "cool". Let me start with work... He works 9am-5pm monday through friday, so that leaves only the weekends to see each other because I finish work at 9pm. Yes we could still see each other afterwards, but you know sometimes, after the end of your day you just want to be in your bed and do nothing. Plus we need to take public transportation to see each other, and with this cold it really makes you think twice about going out hehe.
Then there is the fact that we're not at the same relationship "stage", I guess that's what you can call it. By stage I mean what kind of relationship you have. I figured that our relationship would be more mature and I guess in it's own way it is...but now I realize that "mature" and "grown up" is boring. Dating an older man  does not give you the same relationship you would get with someone who is your age or is maximum 2 years older than you. I find when you're younger you can't stop texting each other all the time and want to see each other every day. No, he's a grown up man and too old for that, but I'm still at that stage where I want to text all day and hang out with the person as much as possible.
Then there's the "going out" energy level. Yes, 26 is still young but apparently there is an energy level difference between 19 and 26 (don't let anybody tell you otherwise. After all they are quite close to their 30's). They don't want to go out as much as a 19 year old because well, they've already gone out in their days, they've already had their party days. I'm not saying they don't go out, they do, but not to the same extreme as us, the people at the other side of the 20's.

You might think, well it's just one guy that doesn't mean it's like that with all of them... and I agree with you. Everybody is different and maybe I haven't met the right "older man" to have a relationship with BUT let me tell you he's not the first older man I dated. I had something with a 24 year old (I was 18 at the time) and even though it didn't last long/was complicated and even though it was such a mistake/waste of time (it's in my "Biggest mistakes" list, yes I have a list. Who doesn't?A short one of course), it was pretty much the same thing. He didn't drink, he didn't party hard etc etc. In a few words to sum it up, they don't have the same youth haha.

So ladies, if you're dying to date an older man, let me tell you it's not that great. Maybe you found an amazing guy and good for you! I'm glad you did and can prove me wrong, but for the rest of the girls well don't build your expectations. Every relationship is different and age clearly is a factor. Gentlemen, older men, there is only one thing to say : Take her out, please! Kay? thanks!

p.s: just realized that you might think I'm terrible at math because I'm 19 and he's 26 which technically makes that a 7 year difference BUT he just turned 26 in December and I'm turning 20 in April, so we'll just keep it at 6.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I am sorry for not having written anything in a while, but truth is nothing interesting has happened. This past weekend was so cold and I didn't feel like going out and on saturday all my friends were busy so I stayed at home and watched the Diary of Bridget Jones haha.  My host parents were gone for the weekend and the kids were with the grandparents, so I got the house to myself which helped a lot because I got to sleep in on sunday. Actually I abused the "sleeping in" because I ended up waking up at 1:30 pm! I didn't even go to bed that late on saturday, I think it was 12:40 when I went to bed. I clearly needed some sleep catching up to do!

On sunday night my friends and I were going to meet up this British group at a Canadian bar to watch the Super Bowl but when my friend and I got to the bar we saw that the cover to watch the game was 20 euros!! 20euros??!! That is so expensive! Well it included 2 drinks, but still, 20? We're au pairs and we don't have that kind of money to spend to just get in. So my friend and I decided to go find a place to eat and that we would come back to meet the others and ask them if they wanted to go somewhere else.
However by the time we started eating it was too late and our other friends met up with us and we decided to go our usual bar "The Bombardier". I actually don't even know why we decided to go in the end to the bombardier, I mean by the time we got there it was 11:30 and my friend had to leave around 12 ish to catch  her train, however we went. We got so distracted by explaining to our british friends how american football works and talking about how the best commercials air during the Super Bowl, that when my friend (the one who had to leave early) looks at the time it was already 12:40!

We ran to the RER (kind of like a train) and when we get there, it was too late! There was no more trains passing. So we run to catch a bus, but since she doesn't live in Paris and needs to take another train to her place (it's close to versailles where she lives) she decided to take a taxi so she could make it to the other train.

I found a bus that would take me straight to my house, but from what I was looking at the screen, it didn't say if it was going to pass or not. I started freaking out, what if the bus doesn't pass? I didn't know where the closest metro was and it was probably already closed. I called my host mom (it was already 1:10) and told her that I didn't know what to do or if the metro was still running. She told me to take a taxi, but the problem with that was that I only had 20 euros on me. I then decided to stay over at a friends house and I would take the earliest metro in the morning to go back home (Oh I forgot to mention, I had a doctors appointment at 9am. Its something I had to go through to get my visa validated) so I could get my stuff to go to the appointment.
As I was walking to my friends house I see my bus pass by and I start running towards it like an idiot haha.
This might not sound stressful to you, but trust me at the moment I was kind of panicking! Lesson learned: If you're taking public transportation,keep track of time!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

La monnaie

Ahhh it's so COLD outside!! Okay, yes maybe this cold weather does not compare to the very long and cold winters I've survived back in Montreal, but still.. its COLD.  Apparently it's just minus 2 outside but it feels like minus 10!

Okay so this morning I was so pissed, so upset!I just found a new thing that I dislike about Paris... and guess what it's about?? I'm sure you guessed it, what else could it be but CUSTOMER SERVICE. Only that this time it wasn't exactly customer service since I wasn't a customer, but I don't know how to call it... act of kindness? Let's just stick to customer service.

So this morning is of course the 1st day of the month of February (omg, can you believe it?! It's already February!!) and my monthly bus/metro/train pass was finished but since I'm soon getting a new student pass my host mom and I decided that there would be no point in filling up this pass since the other one should arrive soon, and that we would just get tickets for the moment. Apparently getting tickets is harder than I thought it would be.  Today was not a good day to go around buying tickets because apparently it's not so easy to just get tickets, no of course not, they wanted to complicate my life. I went to one booth/machine thing to get the tickets and no, they don't have tickets available. So I went to another one that was right next to the train, and there I was about to pay and guess what? They don't freaking take bills! They only took coins and of course I had no change at all! So I go to the closest open business (it was a mini crepe place) to go ask for change. I didn't really know how to ask for change in french, and perhaps that was my problem but I am sure I said it right. I ask the man if I could have coins, and without letting me explain what for he says "oh no no" all upset and as if I had insulted him...what the hell? So then I turn around and figured that the best place would be to actually go to a restaurant or something, but of course everything is closed because they're french and only open after 10!
I headed to the magazine stand that was just right next to the crepe place because it's the only other thing that is open and nearby (did I mention it was freezing AND I had a 2 year old in a stroller?) Of course the dude in the magazine shop turn me down, and also said "oh I don't believe in that" (what the f? you don't believe in money??!!) " I keep the money for my clients" turned around (to ignore me of course) and just said that it wasn't "nice"... OMG I wanted to scream at him, I was so confused! It is not nice what YOU are doing sir, not letting me get change for a 10 euro bill when it's freezing outside and I have a 2 year old who's freezing. I asked him if I bought a magazine if I could have change, he said of course. I pick whatever magazine and it turned out being a 1 euro magazine (I think I'm going to buy magazines more often, 1 euro?! Awesome, but definitely not from this dude ever again) and he just looked at it and said "oh it's just one euro"... SO WHAT? Seriously dude? I had to buy another magazine for him to give me change... and on top of that you know what?? He gave me two 1 euro coins ONLY and a five euro bill. Did he not hear what I needed?? I needed change, COINS, and he gives me a bill?? AHH. I just left, I couldn't take it. I felt my inner Mexican want to tell him to F off and give him a piece of my mind and tell him what a horrible person he was. I wanted to get all latina on him, and have you heard a latina girl get pissed? We start to speak like a hundred words per minute and raise our voices to a really loud and annoying pitch. You do not want that buddy, no no you don't.
 But it was cold, I was running late to drop of the kid and all I could think to myself as I walked away was "You little f******" and if you know me, you know I only swear when I'm really pissed...That just shows you how upset I was! It wasn't only upset, it was like frustrated and appalled, I couldn't believe it!
Since I only had 2 euros in coins, I was only able to buy one ticket and I then had to go to the metro (after dropping off the kid) to get more tickets. But of course I was only able to buy 3 urgh.
I did not understand why they didn't want to give me change, even my host mom was confused! I could not stop thinking "If I was in America, I would have no problem at all!", sometimes I really do think life is  much easier in America...